Mental Health and Wellbeing
Support services for ethnic minority communities face significant challenges due to deeply rooted stigmas and cultural beliefs, particularly within the African and Caribbean and South Asian communities. These factors often deter individuals from seeking professional assistance, exacerbating mental health issues. One Vision’s Watford Project, in partnership with Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT), aimed to improve access to mental health services for these communities by fostering inclusivity and understanding through culturally sensitive approaches. This one-year project focused on improving the long-term health and wellbeing of African and Caribbean individuals by facilitating access to necessary mental health support and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
One Vision Initiative
The Watford Project was partnership between One Vision with Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT). The project was aimed to connect care with culture, emphasising the importance of tailored support for marginalised populations. The project used a four-pillar approach, incorporating exercise, nutrition, culture, and faith to deliver mental health support. Engagement sessions were held in community venues, both faith-based and non-faith-based, to provide safe spaces for open discussions about mental health. These sessions aimed to reduce stigma and cultural barriers by leveraging the expertise of faith leaders and community leaders creating a deeper understanding and acceptance of mental health issues.
Our Approach
One Vision’s approach involves diversifying outreach efforts to include various community settings and online resources, making mental health support accessible and relatable. The creation of a flowcode page for easy access to information, virtual coffee mornings, WhatsApp groups, and other resources reflected the commitment to promoting mental health literacy and reducing stigma. These efforts aimed to empower individuals within the African and Caribbean communities in Watford to prioritise their mental wellbeing and seek timely support. The initiative emphasised the importance of cultural sensitivity and trust-building to effectively address mental health disparities and inequalities.
One Vision’s community connectors, which includes faith leaders, community leaders, and other members of the community who have deeper connections and social and/or professional standing within their communities were a key resource in delivering the project successfully.
Meet The Team of The Watford Project
Enoch Kanagaraj
Leadership & Project Management
Sharon Platt-McDonald
Director for Health, Women’s Ministries and Adventist Community Services
Trustee, One Vision
Jasbir Surana
Project Manager HPFT
Key Resource EPMHS
Charmaine Lily
Project Lead
One Vision - Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT)
The Watford Project, a partnership between One Vision and Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT), represents a significant step in addressing mental health challenges within the African and Caribbean communities in Watford.
“Building Bridges and Community Bonds”
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